Writing a research proposal for post graduate degree dissertation by a post graduate medical student
Article Type: Short Communication
Year: 2024; Volume: 4; Issue: 4; Page No: 29 – 34
Affiliations: Assistant Professor in Statistics (Biostatistics), Department of Community Medicine, Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Ariyur, Pondicherry – 605 102. Email ID: senthilvel99@gmail.com
How to cite this article: Vasudevan S. Writing a research proposal for post graduate degree dissertation by a post graduate medical student. Int J Med Sci and Nurs Res 2024;4(4):29–34. DOI: https://doi.org/10.55349/ijmsnr.2024442934 |
Article Summary: Submitted: 20-October -2024; Revised: 25-November-2024; Accepted: 15-December-2024; Published: 30-December-2024
Background: Research proposal writing is needed a keen interested and knowledge in their speciality. It is very important and essential one for any type of research in science and in any field. Their dissertation work only helps/gives a good solution to know a new–line of treatment. I have discussed about the various steps in research methodology, preparation of a research proposal, how to conduct/proceed a dissertation and how to write a dissertation/study.
Materials and Methods: I have discussed I this paper related various steps in research methodology like research topic, research design, target population, sample size and how to calculate it, how to frame inclusion and exclusion criteria, how to enter the data in excel sheet, statistical analysis, what is one sided and two sided tests, how to frame a null and alternative hypothesis, how to conduct/proceed a dissertation and how to write a dissertation/study, What is type-I ad Type-II errors, level of significance, and the process of Scientific Research Committee and Institutional Ethical Committee Approval for a post graduate medical student’s research proposal.
Results: All the explanation is to be given in a elaborated ways. The post graduate medical students have to understand easily.
Conclusion: From this article, I have concluded that post graduate medical students have to understand and try to follow all the steps of research methodology at the time of their medical degree dissertation proposal preparation.. Adequate minimum calculated sample size should be determined to get a significant results in their studies. Getting SRC ad IEC approval for their dissertation work is a mandatory process in the medical curriculum. Finding the sample size for their PG degree dissertation at the time of preparation of their research proposal.
Keywords: post graduate medical student, research methodology, level of significant, type-I and type-II errors, proposal, dissertation
Source of funding: None
Conflict of Interest: Nothing to declared by the author
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Senthilvel Vasudevan, Ph.D,
Assistant Professor in Statistics (Biostatistics),
Department of Community Medicine,
Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital & Research Centre,
Ariyur, Pondicherry – 605 102. India.
Email ID: senthilvel99@gmail.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7175-3534
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