Overall Performance, Impact Factor, Quality and View of International Journal of Medical Sciences and Nursing Research
Year: 2024; Volume: 4; Issue: 2; Page No: 16 – 18
Article Type: Short Communication
Author: Senthilvel Vasudevan
Affiliations: Assistant Professor of Statistics (Biostatistics), Department of Community Medicine, Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Ariyur, Pondicherry, India. Email ID: senthilvel99@gmail.com
How to cite this article: Vasudevan S. Overall Performance, Impact Factor, Quality and View of International Journal of Medical Sciences and Nursing Research. Int J Med Sci and Nurs Res 2024;4(2):16-18. DOI: https://doi.org/10.55349/ijmsnr.2024421618 |
Article Summary: Submitted: 04-April-2024; Revised: 06-May-2024; Accepted: 04-June-2024; Published: 30-June-2024
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Senthilvel Vasudevan, Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor of Statistics (Biostatistics),
Department of Community Medicine,
Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital & Research Centre,
Ariyur, Pondicherry,
Email ID: senthilvel99@gmail.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7175-3534
Background: Many national and international journals are there in the research publishing world. International Journal of Medical Sciences ad Nursing Research (IJMSNR) journal is a medical related international online journal. In this article, I want to explain about IJMSNR journal, overall performance in the publishing aeras and its importance in the article research publications in the World level.
Methods: In this article, I have discussed about the abstracting and indexing, overall performance and evaluation of IJMSNR. For this I have referred Index Copernicus and Google Scholar websites.
Results: IJMSNR journal is abstracting and indexing with various renowned databases like, CrossRef for DOI, Index Copernicus, Academia Internet Archive (USA) for preserve the published articles. Still keep on trying the journal is to make the indexing in the important indexing databases like Directory of Open Access Journals, European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences, Scopus and Emerging Sources Citation Index. Journal evaluation score by Index Copernicus in the year 2022 was 84.67% which was based on quality of the journal and journal’s impact and journal impact factor is 0.250 as on year 2024.
Conclusion: From this article, I have concluded that the journal evaluation score by Index Copernicus was very high and journal impact factor is keep-on increasing as year by year. So, the journal IJMSNR is a feasible and affordable to all the young and senior researcher in various fields of science. IJMSNR publishing the research articles in a good manner in both HTML and PDF format. It is an open access, and in high standard and to increase the reading habits in-between the researchers worldwide.
Keywords: publishing, ijmsnr, html, pdf, evaluation, impact factor, researcher
Full Text
Many national and international journals are there in the research publishing world. This International Journal of Medical Sciences ad Nursing Research (IJMSNR) [1] journal is an medical related international online journal with ISSN: 2583–0996. IJMSNR is a peer-reviewed [2], referred, quarterly and online journal ad all types of articles are to be published with Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number. [3, 4] Journal has a perfect symbol, peer-reviewed is a double-blind method and it is available in both online ad PDF format. It is included and indexing in may resowed indexing database and timely publication by the journal. Its main speciality is Medical Sciences and also publishing related to nursing, pharmacy and allied health sciences. [5] This journal impact factor is 2.000 in the year 2022. Now, the journal impact factor is 0.250 as on the year 2024 (previous two year-based calculation).
IJMSNR journal had published original, short communication, case studies, and editorial articles from India, Saudi Araia ad Iraq countries. Comparing with the other journals its publishing cost is affordable. Published authors were give positive feedback about the journal ad they were appreciated in a good manner. The main objective of this IJSMR journal is to motivate the young and existing researchers to publish their ideas ad research as a journal paper. In this article, I want to explain about the journal, its overall performance in the publishing aeras and its importance in the article research publications. [3]
Abstracting and Indexing of IJMSNR: [6]
IJMSNR journal is abstracting and indexing with various renowned databases like, CrossRef for DOI, Index Copernicus, Academia, Indian Citation Index, Advanced Scientific Index, EuroPub, IJI Factor Indexing, ResearchBib, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, CiteFactor, WorldCat, Internet Archive (USA) for preserve the published articles, ROAD – Directory of scholarly open resources, Zenodo, Scilicit, SlideShare, and KODUS for preserve the published articles, COSMOS, Publons, and Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) for citation index, Sherpa Romeo for journal policy and the conditions were deposited in it, and Mendeley. IJMSNR is included in well known in various social medias like LinkedIn, Facebook, and ResearchGate. Still keep on trying the journal is to make the indexing in the important indexing databases like DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), ERIH Plus (European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences), Scopus and Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science). IJMSNR journal is registered with the following abstracting in Google Scholar [7], as shown in Figure–1.

Google Scholar index of International Journal of Medical Sciences and Nursing Research and its citations is 16, h-index is 2 and the related simple bar diagram as shown in Figure – 1. IJMSNR is indexed in Index Copernicus as shown Figure–2.
Figure–2 Showing the full details of IJMSNR

Overall Performance and Evaluation of IJMSNR:
International Journal of Medical Sciences and Nursing Research (IJMSNR) journal evaluation score by Index Copernicus in the year 2022 was 84.67% which was based on quality of the journal and journal’s impact and journal impact factor [8] is 0.250 as on the year 2024. Journal internationalization, standards, stability and its digitalization percentages as show in Figure – 3.
Figure–3 Distribution of percentages of journal’s internationalization, standards, stability and its digitalization
From this article, I have concluded that the journal evaluation score by Index Copernicus in the year 2022 was very high and journal impact factor is keep-on increasing as year by year. Published articles are available in both HTML and PDF format. So, this journal International Journal of Medical Sciences and Nursing Research (IJMSNR) is a feasible and affordable to all the young and senior researcher in medical, biomedical, nursing, pharmacy, bio-allied sciences and science streams. The researchers have to access this as OPEN ACCESS and read the published papers as volumes ad issues wise. I think this journal will simulate and encourage the researchers in all specialty sciences to do research and to publish it in a good manner, and in high standard and to increase the reading habits in-between the researchers worldwide.
Source of funding: None
Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest in the research conducted.
Authors’ Contributions: SV – Authors contributed to the conceptualization, writing of the article and in preparation and checking of the article.
Here, SV – Senthilvel Vasudevan
- International Journal of Medical Sciences ad nursing Research (IJMSNR). Available from: https://ijmsnr.com/ [Last Access on: 28th April 2024]
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