Knowledge of Peptic Ulcer prevention among Nurses in a Baghdad Teaching Hospitals
Year: 2024; Volume: 4; Issue: 1; Page No: 11 – 15
Article Type: Original Article
Authors: Massara Abdullah Najm*1, Haider Mohammed Majeed2
, Rajaa Ibrahim Abed3
Affiliations: *1Instructor, PhD., Adult Nursing Department, College of Nursing, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.
2Assistant Professor, PhD., Adult Nursing Department, College of Nursing, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.
3Professor, PhD., Adult Nursing Department, College of Nursing, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.
How to cite this article: Najm MA, Majeed HM, Abed RI. Knowledge of Peptic Ulcer prevention among Nurses in a Baghdad Teaching Hospitals. Int J Med Sci and Nurs Res 2024;4(1):11–15. DOI: 10.55349/ijmsnr.2024411115 |
Article Summary: Submitted: 15-January-2024; Revised: 31-January-2023; Accepted: 24-February-2024; Published: 31-March-2024
Background: Perforation is a serious complication of Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD)and cases with perforated peptic ulcer regularly carries high threat for morbidity and mortality. Acute perforated peptic ulcer is a leading source of generalized peritonitis and its management has continued to be a gruelling task in moderate source setting environment. In this article, I have assessed nurses’ knowledge-related prevention of peptic ulcer.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional design was carried out at Baghdad Teaching Hospitals for the period between 20th November 2022 to 20th April 2023. A non-probability sampling was used among 50 nurses. A study instrument was constructed to collect data of knowledge-related prevention of peptic ulcer, which consists of two parts. Data were analysed using IBM SPSS 26.0 version. Descriptive and inductive statistics were utilized to summarize the results.
Results: In study, half of the study samples 52% were male, 66% were age range from 19 – 29 years, 58% were married martial, 40% were graduated from college of nursing, and 76% haven’t any training course. The results also show 74% of nurses have a smoking history, the study indicated that nurses had moderate knowledge about prevention of peptic ulcer.
Conclusion: The study showed that the level of nurses’ knowledge concerning peptic ulcer was moderate. Also, there were no significant relationships between nurse’s knowledge concerning peptic ulcer and their sociodemographic characteristics.
Keywords: knowledge, peptic ulcer, nurses, cross-sectional study, Baghdad, Iraq
Source of funding: We didn’t receive no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors for this study.
Conflict of Interest: The authors declared that they have no conflict of interest.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Massara Abdullah Najm, Ph.D.,
Instructor PhD,
Department of Adult Nursing,
College of Nursing,
University of Baghdad,
Bab Al-Moadham Campus,
Baghdad, Iraq.
Email ID:
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